Installation of CCE

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Installation of CCE




This Documents will help you, how to install CCE .

Pre Requisites

  • Ensure that the hardware configuration for CCE is compliant with the specification. Please refer to the https://seceon.atlassian.net/l/c/8zTLvZk1 to see the hardware specification.

  • You need VM or Baremetal, with the required hardware configuration with Seceon customized Rocky Linux. Please refer to the link for VM (One can use any of the standard VM environments like Oracle VM Virtual Box, VM ware Fusion (for MAC users), etc. and https://seceon.atlassian.net/l/c/YG1y0941 for Baremetal to see the instructions.

  • Ensure that the required ports are opened for the CCE to work properly. Required ports that should be opened are mentioned in the link https://seceon.atlassian.net/l/c/XVw9Fw04.

Verify hardware specification

Once you have ensured that your machine, VM or Baremetal, with the required hardware configuration and Seceon customized Rocky Linux is up,

Cross-verify hardware specification before installation (on PUTTY) by:

  • nproc (To check no of CPU Core, should be 4 cores and need to increase the Power to 2 Only i.e 4 Core / 8 Core)

  • free -h (To check memory, should be 4GB )

  • df -h (To check the disk size, should be 250GB SSD )

  • otmdoc -p (To check IOPS of the Storage Disk)

  • otmdoc -y (Disk preferred to be SSD)

Installation Steps

Please follow the steps below to install the CCE on it.

Step 1. Login on PUTTY as a “seceon” user, ensure the path is “/home/seceon” (cross-verify by “pwd” command) and download the package using the Seceon Latest Package Download Link if the CCE server has internet connectivity.

Note: If the server does not own internet then, first download the package, and transfer the package, via WinSCP in /home/seceon path to the server.

Step 2. Please check the authenticity and integrity of the shared package by verifying the md5checksum by “ md5sum <downloaded seceon cce link >” and entering.

Step 3. To ensure that the installation should continue, even if the system shut down anyways. Run the command “ screen” and enter.

Step 4 Run the install by “./install.sh -c “.

Input the details it prompts for:

[seceon@localhost ~]$ ./install.sh -c Is CCE and APE co exist ? Please confirm (yes/no): no Please provide tenant id for CCE installation : [Enter the tenant ID applicable for your install, for an enterprise installation] Do you want secure communication between CCE and APE using SSH tunnel ? Please confirm (yes/no): yes What is the Public IP Address of APE ?: [Enter the IP of the APE over which the CCE can communicate to it] Which Port you want to use[22] ?:[Enter the port for the CCE to connect to the APE over SSH] id_rsa What is the Hostname of APE[Seceon-OTM] ? : [Hit Enter] You configured following information: Tenant id for CCE installation : Your tenant ID CCE and APE co exist : no/yes APE IP Address : Your APE's IP address APE Hostname : Seceon-OTM Secure communication between CCE and APE using SSH tunnel : yes or no, as appl SSH tunnel Port : Your configured port Please confirm (yes/no): CCE installation started...... will take arround 15-20 minutes

As the installation, proceeds, you will be able to see the progress bar. Once this gets over, you will see a success message confirming the completion.


Verification of the CCE installation

On the CCE machine, logged in as “ seceon “ and verify with the following:

  • Command to be run as “seceon” user

1. $ otmdoc -m

Expected Output

2. ps -aef | grep tunnel

Expected output:

Note: Each of these services, represents a necessary CCE module running inside the docker container.

Verification from UI:

Navigate to “Log/Flow Collection Status” under Setting/System and check CCE IP will reflect there:

Troubleshooting or Common mistakes


Need Help & Support?

Please send us an email at support@seceon.com, in case of any issues or questions.

In the case of separate CCE installation, remediation needs to be installed separately, using the command “./install.sh -r“ as seceon, before configuring it from UI to get it operational.




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