Installation of CCE

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Installation of CCE




This Documents will help you, how to install CCE .

Pre Requisites

Verify hardware specification

Once you have ensured that your machine, VM or Baremetal, with the required hardware configuration and Seceon customized Rocky Linux is up,

Cross-verify hardware specification before installation (on PUTTY) by:

  • nproc (To check no of CPU Core, should be 4 cores and need to increase the Power to 2 Only i.e 4 Core / 8 Core)

  • free -h (To check memory, should be 4GB )

  • df -h (To check the disk size, should be 250GB SSD )

  • otmdoc -p (To check IOPS of the Storage Disk)

  • otmdoc -y (Disk preferred to be SSD)

Installation Steps

Please follow the steps below to install the CCE on it.

Step 1. Login on PUTTY as a “seceon” user, ensure the path is “/home/seceon” (cross-verify by “pwd” command) and download the package using the Seceon Latest Package Download Link if the CCE server has internet connectivity.

Note: If the server does not own internet then, first download the package, and transfer the package, via WinSCP in /home/seceon path to the server.

Step 2. Please check the authenticity and integrity of the shared package by verifying the md5checksum by “ md5sum <downloaded seceon cce link >” and entering.

Step 3. To ensure that the installation should continue, even if the system shut down anyways. Run the command “ screen” and enter.

Step 4 Run the install by “./install.sh -c “.

Input the details it prompts for:

[seceon@localhost ~]$ ./install.sh -c Is CCE and APE co exist ? Please confirm (yes/no): no Please provide tenant id for CCE installation : [Enter the tenant ID applicable for your install, for an enterprise installation] Do you want secure communication between CCE and APE using SSH tunnel ? Please confirm (yes/no): yes What is the Public IP Address of APE ?: [Enter the IP of the APE over which the CCE can communicate to it] Which Port you want to use[22] ?:[Enter the port for the CCE to connect to the APE over SSH] id_rsa What is the Hostname of APE[Seceon-OTM] ? : [Hit Enter] You configured following information: Tenant id for CCE installation : Your tenant ID CCE and APE co exist : no/yes APE IP Address : Your APE's IP address APE Hostname : Seceon-OTM Secure communication between CCE and APE using SSH tunnel : yes or no, as appl SSH tunnel Port : Your configured port Please confirm (yes/no): CCE installation started...... will take arround 15-20 minutes

As the installation, proceeds, you will be able to see the progress bar. Once this gets over, you will see a success message confirming the completion.


Verification of the CCE installation

On the CCE machine, logged in as “ seceon “ and verify with the following:

  • Command to be run as “seceon” user

1. $ otmdoc -m

Expected Output

2. ps -aef | grep tunnel

Expected output:

Note: Each of these services, represents a necessary CCE module running inside the docker container.

Verification from UI:

Navigate to “Log/Flow Collection Status” under Setting/System and check CCE IP will reflect there:

Troubleshooting or Common mistakes


Need Help & Support?

Please send us an email at support@seceon.com, in case of any issues or questions.

In the case of separate CCE installation, remediation needs to be installed separately, using the command “./install.sh -r“ as seceon, before configuring it from UI to get it operational.




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