Oracle Virtual Box VM - OVA Deployment

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Oracle Virtual Box VM - OVA Deployment

  1. You need to install virtual box on your windows server:


2. Open Oracle Virtual Box, click on File Menu > Import Appliance

2. Click on the Browse File button and choose the OVA file from your file system which you have downloaded from dropbox and click Next

3. Review the Appliance settings and make any changes as necessary. Once satisfied, click the Import Button.

4. Wait for VM to be finished importing.

5. New VM called CCE will be present. Click on Settings button and navigate to the Networks tab and ensure Bridged Adapter is selected. Press OK to confirm.


6. Click on Start button to start-up the VM.

7. Login as seceon user by using the password ““redhat2022””


Note: Please follow this document if you got this type of error:

A Trusted Solution to the Not in a Hypervisor Partition Error


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