VM Creation and Seceon Server Set-up on Oracle VM VirtualBox

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VM Creation and Seceon Server Set-up on Oracle VM VirtualBox



This document will help you in creating VM using Oracle VM VirtualBox and Seceon server setup (Rocky Linux)

VM Creation on Oracle Virtual Box

You need to install virtual box on your windows server:

Oracle VirtualBox


Step 1: Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager

Step 2: Click On Machine-->New

Step 3: Put the VM Name, Type, and Version respectively.

Step 4: Click next and select memory size

Step 5: Click Next Create Virtual Hard Disk

Step 6: Hard disk file type VDI

Step 7: Click Next Storage on physical hard disk “Dynamically allocated“

Step 8: Select file location and size

Step 9: Click on create

Step10: Right-click on your VM and click on setting option

Step 11: Now click on storage -->Empty -->Disk symbol and choose seceon iso-(Rocky Linux) >OK


Step 12: In Network option, NAT should be selected.

Step13: Click on Start

Server Setup (Rocky Linux)


STEP 1: Select option 1 “ Install Rocky Linux 8”

Step 2: Select Language

STEP 3: Installation Destination

Ensure that the “INSTALLATION DESTINATION” under the “SYSTEM” is “Custom partitioning selected” as shown in the figure below:

Rocky Linux Installation- Seceon Setup-Installation Destination


Rocky Linux Installation- Installation Destination-Kickstart Insufficient

STEP 4: Network & Host Name Setting

Scrolling down in the same screen, choose the option “NETWORK & HOST NAME” as shown in the figure below:

Network & Host Name

For Manual Configuration using a Static IP: Put the Ethernet Connection as “OFF” as it has to be configured and then switched on.

Now scroll down the screen and click on “Configure” as shown in the screen below:

Put the Method as

“Manual”, Click “Add” and then provide the Client’s network details in the boxes shown in the figure above.

Addresses: The user will have to add an available IP address. This IP Address will help to identify the User’s computer on the network.

Netmask and Gateway for User’s network have to be provided.

DNS Servers: IP addresses of Domain Name Servers are used to resolve Host Names. It is required to use a comma, to separate the different Domain Name Server Addresses. For machines open to the outside world, google DNS server ( can be an option.

After providing all the details, click on “Save”

Click “Done” from the top left corner as shown in the figure below.

STEP 5: Begin Installation

To start the process, Click “Begin Installation” as shown in figure below:

Begin Installation

Please note that Installation Details remain as Custom Partitioned (Unlike the Installing Rocky Linux with Minimal setup).

STEP 6: Create Root User

As the User clicks on “Begin Installation”, it takes to a screen as shown in the figure below:

User Settings

  1. On selecting the “ROOT PASSWORD” option, the User will get into a screen as shown below:

Root Password

It will require the user to enter a confidential Root Password; confirm it and then click

Click on“Done” in the top left corner.

Please note that in case of a weak password being provided, “Done” has to be clicked twice

By default, the ISO has user “seceon”.

STEP 7: Reboot

After the complete installation as shown in the figure below, click on “Reboot”

Installation Complete

STEP 8: Log in to the machine

Now, the VM/server is up with Seceon Rocky Linux ISO. Login to the server/VM using the credentials “seceon/seceon” and follow the instruction.

Installation of CCE

Installation of APE


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