Installation of The CCE on a Azure Cloud

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Installation of The CCE on a Azure Cloud


The CCE runs smoothly on Azure as long as the hardware requirements are met and the installation and configuration are done properly as described in subsequent sections of this document.


Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure) is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. It provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and supports many different programming languages, tools, and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems.

Seceon aiSIEM, being a containerized platform is compatible with a variety of installation environments. It has been commercially deployed and is running successfully on physical servers, AWS instances, and Virtual machines (VMs) on ESXi servers, KVMs, etc. For Azure also, a VM has to be created and then used for the aiSIEM Installation.

The scope of this document is to provide the steps to install OTM on Azure cloud. It is meant to be used by the customer (Enterprise or MSSP) for their own purpose.

Installation Pre-requisites:

To get the OTM deployed on the Azure cloud, a customer needs:

  • Server setup package

  • install.sh Package

  • CCE package

All the above tar packages can be downloaded before the installation process using the dropbox links provided later in this article.

Installation Process For CCE on an Azure VM

Step1: Login to your Microsoft Azure Dashboard:

Step 2: Create VM

  • Go to the list on the right side of the dashboard and select “Virtual Machines”

  • On the “Virtual Machines” screen, select the “+Add” option and select the “Virtual machine”.

  • Fill in the details as asked in the “Create virtual machine” form, using the information:

  • Click on the dropdown of the “Image” option and then click on “See all images”.

  • Search “Rocky-8-6” in the search box.

  • Now select rocky-8-6-x86_64-free-Gen2 Image from the list.

  • To select the size click on see all sizes.

  • Now select any VM with size suggested by Seceon and click on select.

  • Now select the Authentication type as Password and give username and password.

  • Now click on Next: Disk.

  • Now select the OS disk type Standard SSD.

  • Now click on Next: Networking → Next:Management → Next:Advantage → Next:Tags → Next:Review+Create

  • Now Click on the “Create” button to create the VM. When your deployment is complete “go to resource”.

  • Now stop the VM by clicking on “Stop” → “OK”

  • Now go to the Disk and Click on the first Disk name.

  • Now Go on “Size+Performance” select the disk suggested by Seceon and click on Resize.

  • Now go to the Overview and you will see the updated disk size.

  • Now click on the VM name which you will see above on the path and then go into “Disk” and click on the “Refresh” button. Now here you will see the size of OS disks.

  • Now click on the “Overview” and Start the VM after that copy the public IP.

  • Now SSH using this Public IP and give the Username and Password.

  • Now do df -h and you will see the disk allocated by you to root.

Step 3: Setup the CCE Machine

  • Now go into the Root using the su command and then run curl command given below.

    sudo su curl https://si.seceon.com:8444/repos/env/8.0.0/seceon-env-setup.txt --output ./seceon-env-setup.sh -k && bash ./seceon-env-setup.sh
  • Login as user/password - seceon/seceon using Putty.

Step 4: Install the CCE package

  • Download the CCE package. #(List of Seceon All Package)

    wget -c Latest dropbox CCE link
  • Go into the screen mode using the screen command and install the CCE package using the below command.

    ./install.sh -c


After the CCE installation is complete check all containers are up using the below command.

otmdoc -m


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