We are providing you the steps to integrate your Checkpoint Firewall with Seceon SIEM so that you can have a Comprehensive visibility and Proactive Threat Detection in your Environment. There will be a log transfer between your firewall to APE(Analytics and Policy Engine) via CCE (Collection and Control Engine ) . In this document we are guiding you the steps for Netflows forwarding.
Steps to Configure -
host { facility all { level notice } } }
Below is the prefered link -
Sending firewall logs to remote syslog | Ubiquiti Community
Verification of configuration
Verification can be done in 2 ways either on CCE or on UI
1.Open UI >>Systems
Dropdown systems and go inside -
logs and flows collection status.
Under -
Source device IP address section the device configured will reflect.
Verification Through CCE server
sudo tcpdump -i any host 9995 and host <IP address> -AAA” command should be ran on CCE server to check wheather or not we are getting logs .