OVA is deployed using VMware vSphere Client.
Download ova from dropbox link provides by seceon
In vSphere Client, go to File > Deploy OVF Template and browse to the current location of the ova.
Press Next and give the new VM a name.
Choose an appropriate datastore for the VM having sufficient space.
Select Thin Provision disk format for virtual disk.
Select Power on after deployment checkbox.
Finish to deploy VM.
Once VM is up and running, open the vm with putty
Login as: username-root, password-seceon.
On first login, you will be forced to change the password. Make sure to keep the password safe with you.
Change the network settings using the steps as in: How to change the IP of machine
Now, login to the VM as “seceon” user, and get inside the seceon cce package.
From inside the CCE package, run ./setup.sh -p
Step #14, will ask you for user inputs, to confirm if you want to change the configuratio, say yes
Choose the SSH Tunnel option to be changed, and enter your APE IP and tenant ID. With that confirm the inputs, and await the reprovisioning to get over. It may take around 5-7 minutes.
With all of it in place, check in the UI(opened with the APE IP), under System menu> Log/Flow Collection Status, and ensure that the CCE VM IP is being reflected.