SSH Tunnel Setup for DC/DR Setup

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SSH Tunnel Setup for DC/DR Setup



Disaster recovery is the process by which an organization anticipates and addresses technology-related disasters. IT systems in any company can go down unexpectedly due to unforeseen circumstances, such as power outages, natural events, or security issues. Disaster recovery includes a company's procedures and policies to recover quickly from such events


We are taking IPs for Example.

APE VM1(DR Machine) -

APE VM2(DC Machine) -

CCE VM3(CCE Machine)-

Steps to Follow:


  • Log in on the DC APE as the seceon user and go into the root.

  • Run the below command the DC APE(VM2) machine.

    scp /home/seceon-cce/.ssh/* root@

Note: Please put the DR APE IP in the command.


  • Now SSH to the DR APE machine as root.

  • Run the following command and go into the seceon-cce directory.

    cd /home/seceon-cce/
  • Now change the ownership of the folder by using the below command.

    chown -R seceon-cce:seceon-cce .ssh/*
  • Now reboot this machine.


Step-3 to 5 are Test steps. Customers do not need to follow the below steps.


  • Create the tenants with the same tenant ID on the DR UI(VM1) same as DC UI(VM2)


  • Now SSH as the root on the DC APE(VM2) and run the following command. This command will change the machine IP of CD APE.

    vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160 and change IPADDR="" to IPADDR=""

Note: Here IP is denoting the CD APE(VM2) and IP is demoting any other IP that is not allocated to any machine.

  • Now restart the network service using the below command.

    systemctl restart network


  • Now SSH as root on the DR APE(VM1) and run the below command. This command will change the IP of the DR APE to the CD APE IP.

    vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160 and change IPADDR="" to IPADDR=""

Note: Here IP denotes the DR APE IP and is the CD APE IP.

  • Now run the below command.

systemctl restart network
  • Now reboot this machine.

Now you will be able to see the CCE (VM3) will be able to connect to the DR APE which is assigned with the CD APE IP using the above command.

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