
This KBA is describing a secure way to set up rsyslog TCP/TLS and emphasizes that a secure logging environment requires more than just encrypting the transmission channel. This KBA provides guidance on how to create a secure logging system using rsyslog's TCP/TLS authentication in a flexible way, which supports a wide range of security policies. This KBA likely goes into further detail about the specific steps and configurations needed to set up rsyslog TCP/TLS securely.

Configurations Steps

The passage provides instructions on how to set up TCP over TLS with syslog-ng. The logs will be received by a CCE logs processor with TCP over TLS support enabled, acting as the server, and will be sent from a client machine with syslog-ng installed. The instructions are as follows:

Generate a self-signed certificate and key on the CCE logs processor. Navigate to /docker/config/ and run the following commands:

The instructions reference a source URL for more information on setting up TCP over TLS with syslog-ng.

Ref: https://www.logzilla.net/configuring-tls-tunnels-in-syslog-ng.html

input {

#   syslog {

#      timezone => "America/New_York"

#      port => 514

#      type => "syslog"

#   }

   udp {

      port => 514

      type => "syslog"

      #queue_size => 4000


   tcp {

      port => 514

      type => "syslog"

      ssl_cert => "/docker/config/logserver.crt"

      ssl_key => "/docker/config/logserver.key"

      ssl_enable => true

      ssl_verify => false

