Table of Contents


This user guide describes the Seqrite Endpoint Security tool integration with Seceon aiSIEM through the API

Steps of Configuration

To add the Seqrite Endpoint API method support follow the steps that are mentioned below:


  • Device: Select the name of the device 'seqrite Endpoint Security'.

  • Name: We can take anything here according to our interestinterests.

  • CCE Host: Enter the CCE IP.

  • Enter the Access ID/user name: Required Username

  • Password/Secret Key: Required password from seqrite team

  • Now enter the valid JSON Format in the last field. Below is the JSON that you have to put.

 {"host": "x.x.x.x", "database_name": "db_name", "port_num": 423, "time_duration": 15, "procedure_call":{"dlp": "pro_dlp", "virus": "pro_virus", "web": "pro_web"}}

  • Click on the Save button.

Verification On the Seceon UI
