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Login Seceon UI: >provisioning >Add-on device >click on add button


To add the Sophos Central support Follow the steps that are mentioned below.

  • Device: Select the name of the device 'seqrite Endpoint Security'.

  • Name: We can take anything here according to our interest.

  • CCE Host: Enter the CCE IP.

  • Enter the Access ID/user name :Required Username

  • Password/Secret Key: Required password from seqrite team

  • Now enter the valid JSON Format in the last field. Below is the JSON that you have to put.

 {"host": "x.x.x.x", "database_name": "db_name", "port_num": 423, "time_duration": 15, "procedure_call":{"dlp": "pro_dlp", "virus": "pro_virus", "web": "pro_web"}}

  • Click on the Save button.

